Saturday 13 September 2014

New balls please!

This week started off like any other.  Mum and dad going to work Monday and Tuesday and Jess my dog walker coming in each day to take me for my walk.  Then it all changed on Wednesday morning when I wasn't allowed any breakfast. Imagine my disappointment!
Mum went to work and left dad to take me to the vets, where I spent an interesting day that I can't really remember properly.  I think I went to sleep for quite a bit of the day, but everyone was lovely anyway.
When mum and dad came to collect me to go home my legs were wobbly and I felt quite strange.  Mum sat in the back of the car with me to make sure I didn't fall over. I couldn't even lie down straight - really odd.  This is me, just making it through the front door with a strange thing around my neck.  I didn't move from here for a couple of hours as I just wanted to snooze.

Later on we moved to the lounge and dad slept down stairs with me.  Mum went to bed as she had to go to work.

I must say I quickly got used to my 'lampshade' as mum and dad call it. It's a bit tricky getting around the house though, as I keep bashing into things.  Dad has stayed home the rest of this week to help me get about.  Have I got bigger, or is the house shrinking?

I was allowed back upstairs last night.  Weirdly, my friend Wardrobe-Dog, (he lives in one of the upstairs rooms, behind the mirror - must tell you more about him later), seems to have had a similar thing happen to him.

He looks a bit silly in that cone head outfit, but I don't want to offend him, so I sniffed my usual greeting this morning and lay down to wait for mum and dad to be ready to go out.  I have been out for a little walk today - the first in 3 days. It was lovely.

I have noticed that something feels a bit different about me. I have two sore patches and I am bruised and a bit swollen.  Mum says my lampshade can come off in a couple of days so I shall have to wait till then to investigate properly.

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